April 1, 2010
God morning.
My intention, as I send out these monthly
thought transmissions, is to deepen our
questioning and perception of what love is. I have
enjoyed the responses that I have received. To
choose to be a "Conscious Lover" is very
different than creating a relationship and being at the effect of an immature and
fairytale version of romantic love.
Most of us have "our song" and it gives literary importance as to what we believe love
should be. I'll name a few of mine over the years: Bewitched, Bothered and
Bewildered, You Make Me Feel Brand New, Love Changes Everything, and now as
a fairly mature woman: Dance Me to the End of Love.
Take a moment...what do your songs tell you about your expectations about love? And
about you?
What if you were willing to change your "Point of View" and chose to enter into a
relationship believing that a relationship is a classroom, a mutually agreed upon
opportunity to challenge "old beliefs and behavior" and to grow. Could your new Point
of View become:
As we heal ourselves in this conscious choice to love, we heal each other.
What if we began our connection with an "Us" rather than a "Me", or an "I" or a "you"?
What if rather than blaming, rejecting or withdrawing, and all other manners of
separating from each other, we hold the conflict as an opportunity for mutual growth?
Pema Chodron wrote: "When there is a disappointment (in a relationship) I don't know
if it is the end of the story, or rather the beginning of a new adventure."
Are you willing to let go of the hand of fear, and to change your habitual reaction to
being disappointed or criticized? Are you willing to begin the adventure of conscious
loving? The choice to love takes a moment to moment awareness. It demands the
greatest discipline. It is my spiritual practice. If you are willing to choose love... fasten
your seat belts - it is a thrilling ride.
I offer you this with all the love in the universe.