This decision is made by the mind in service of the heart, and it has to be made in every moment.
Emmanuel told me:
"Remember have come to kiss the darkness
with your love, (THIS IS A CHOICE) and by so touching it with
tenderness you allow it to become its true nature."
is your true nature? What is your essence? What is your source?
Do you believe that you are your "lower self" ? Do you believe
that you have free will?
If you are willing. I
suggest that you write your answers to these quesitons. It is a
powerful experience to see the written words that empower your behavior.
Paul Ferrini writes:
"Both Angel and Devil live in your embrace and move with you in your journey towards self forgiveness."
am asking: What did you ever do that is so terrible that you
cannot forgive and accept yourself as you are? What do you
blame yourself for? What do you feel guilty about? What
keeps you "Stuck"? Where have you chosen not to love yourself
and to get lost in your demand that another give you what you are
unwilling to give yoursef?
Your soul has planned your life meticulously
(Pathwork Lecture 34).
Each crisis is meant to be a teaching. Each conflict and each
person whom you believe has caused you pain is meant to be a teacher
for you. If you CHOOSE to open your heart and remember who you
are in this
NOW . You may also choose to reincarnate in this same lifetime (
Pathwork Lecture 216). You will then become the vehicle
/the channel for bringing love not only to yourself but to everyone you meet.
Would you please sit quietly...light a candle. Breathe into the silence.....
Allow yourself to remember....what
was your reason for incarnating in this lifetime?
Listen to you inner voice.
What is your desire?
Allow yourself to feel the energy of
this longing moving through you. It is the life stream.
Follow the sensations in your body...breath into them
Go slowly here......
Feel yourself opening to the pulsation of life........
your would like to dance it.... put music on and let your
body be imprinted with this YES! Maybe you would like to write,
or to draw....or do nothing...Listen to yourself and accept what it is
you want to do. Say this MANTRA out loud.
"What is it that I want to do in this moment?
I Allow myself to follow the longing of my heart."
I am sitting in this moment breathing in all the spiritual teachings
They all say the same..... only the verbiage is different.
I definitely want to invent what I shall call FEAR PLUGS
am tired of falling victim to the whispers of fear...the warnings, the
cataclysmic promises that take me out of the moment. I am not
the victim of my fear, I am the creator of my fear.
FEAR is my habit, my addiction..
FEAR PLUGS.... .what a great idea!!!! My choice is not to hear the voice of fear. Please join me...and put your FEAR PLUGS in.
My life circumstances have not changed since my June Love Letter. My intent has become conscious.
Dear G-d,
Help me not to be a victim of my fear.
Help me to experience the miracle of Your love,
and to extend it to ALL.
May I see Your truth in everything.
with me into the YES! We are one cosmic breath breathing into the
longing....breathing into the pleasure.... breathing into the ONENESS.
Listen! Do you hear the angel voices singing: ALL THERE IS IS LOVE.
Thank you for BE ing with me.
If you would like to have a conversation please call me @ 530.432.3887
We are not in this life by accident....choose whom you walk with. It is a Holy experience.