July 2017

Dear One,
I am sitting here in a state of Grace. What does that mean?
Everything is fitting into space/place... the duality is gone.
I hear no shoulds, or musts, or have to's.
There is this vast feeling of freedom. 

Emmanuel has said Fear and Love cannot occupy the same space.
Each morning, I am filled with gratitude and filled with love's music.
It is the sound and energy of G-d co-creating with me.    
I am awake. I am rooted in the knowing that G-d created me in his Essence, all else is a distraction.
I am here to serve love.

"Right now is the opportunity to tell the truth about the flame of consciousness that is the essence of your being. To choose to deny it is to suffer. To choose to surrender to it is the end of all suffering. When you meet yourself, when you love yourself, when you recognize that this flame of truth that you love, is yourself, you have no need to search for love (outside of yourself) or to try to extract it (from another)

I offer you this poem by John O'Donohue.
It is my prayer for this July 4th Holiday:

"Dear G-d,
May my mind become alive today to the invisible geography that invites me to new frontiers, to break the dead shell of yesterdays,
May I have the courage today to live the life that I would love,
To postpone my dream no longer and do at last what I came here for
And waste my heart on fear no longer."  ~~ John O'Donohue

I wish you independence from fear, and the discipline to set aside your back story so that we may walk the next step in this adventure called life together.

In great appreciation for your courage, and my gratitude for your trust.


Please listen to the song,
Make Me A Channel of Your PEACE